
Exhibitor Profile

* Electrical Energy Generation Systems, 

* Combustion Engines, 

* Renewable & Clean Energy Systems

* Transformers, Accumulators and Uninteruptable Power Supplies

* Cables & Equipment for Electric Power Transmission

* Electric Switch Gear and Equipment for Electric Power Distribution

* Electronic and Opto-Electronic Components

* Electric and Electronic Test and Measuring Equipment

 * Lighting Equipment

 * Electric Power and Engineering Services

Visitor Profile

* Government Authorities

* Local Governorate

* Municipality officials

* Ministry representatives from Central Government

* Local businessmen

* International companies representatives located in region

* Decision-makers from neighboring countries

* Merchants

* Investors

* Distributors

* Architects and engineers

* Property developers, owners/landlords, and managers

* Building materials distributors

* Builder’s merchants, Building contractors, and tradesmen

* Manufacturers of construction products and machinery

* Public building administrations and government agencies